Speaking at Bible Quiz Nationals

This week I am the Chapel Speaker for Free Methodist Bible Quiz Nationals where roughly 500 students from around the country come and compete to see who absorbed, memorized, and can regurgitate all that thy have learned this past year.

I was honored to be asked to speak but I also felt a little unqualified because every person in the auditorium this morning had something in common–they have all had more Bible Quizzing experience than me. I quizzed my senior year of high school 22 years (ahem) a while ago and, because my teammates didn’t stick with it, I didn’t even get to finish the season and never got to go to Nationals even though I had won every individual round that I had competed in.

And so, as I prepared to address these young men an women with their brains bursting at the seams with newfound biblical knowledge, I thought that I had better be able to give a good reason why THEY should listen to ME. And then it him me… my tenure as a Quizzer wasn’t very long but the impact of those passages that I had studied way back when have shaped my life, formed my ministry, and continue to impact me to this very day!

And so I look forward to sharing again tomorrow, not because I can quote as many verses or can boast as many trophies but, because I get to stand before 500 young men and women and imagine how THEIR lives will be impacted thanks to the time an effort they have taken to hide God’s Word in their heart and how much better we will all be because of it.